I just got the new Bon Jovi CD today, and I have to say, I am a little dissappointed. When I uploaded it onto my iTunes, it labeld it as COUNTRY!! AAAAGGGHHH! I can't believe the greatest rock band of all time is now a country band. When I was at the gym the other day, their new music video was playing on CMT. So dissappointing. However, I still enjoyed the CD. They will always have a special place in my heart. ;)
Holy cow!! The Fray is on TV! It's on the public TV channel and it says that James Blunt is next. They played at UVSC (my awesome school) this year. I thought about going, but I didn't. I really want to go to the Breaking Benjamin/Three Days Grace concert this Friday, but I don't have anyone to go with. Plus, funds are running a little low this month. But hey, we only live once right?
So I was on Yahoo! today and they had this video about this kid named William Sledd who posts videos on YouTube and he is friggin' hilarious (disclaimer: his language can be colorful). His segments are called Ask A Gay Man and they are so funny and so true! I love the episode Fashion Victims Editio 2. The socks and sandals thing is something that I cannot stand either. I'm thinking of getting a sleddhead t-shirt, but I don't know if I want to spend 30 bucks for one. Maybe I'll check eBay (my absolute favorite web site) to see if they have any listings for one.
Can I just say I LOVE eBay? It is totally amazing. I got my purse from there and it is absolutely fabulous. I have had so many compliments on it. It is a My Chemical Romance (fave band) DIY purse and it is totally emo and totally hot. Here are the pictures of it from eBay:
The front...

...and the back.
Okay, James Blunt is playing "Goodbye My Lover" and it just tugs at my heartstrings everytime I hear it. Everyone should listen to it. It is amazing. I don't own it yet, but I will be making a stop at Graywhale tomorrow if I get a break at work.
If you can't tell, I LOVE music. I have the most varied taste of anybody I know. My iPod is chuck full of (at least in my opinion) the best music around. There is literally something for everybody on my iPod. I have everything from The Beatles to Breaking Benjamin, Guns 'n Roses to Green Day, Jason Mraz to Johnny Cash, and Linkin Park to Lostprophets. Although I'm not a fan of rap, hip/hop, and most country, I think everyone could find at least one song they like on my oh so beloved iPod. I don't think I could live without it. I take it with me everywhere I go. I even have an adaptor for my car, Sheniqua, so I can rock out on the road. In addition to the Bon Jovi CD, today I added "The Battle of New Orleans" by Johnny Horton and the "Teenagers" video by My Chemical Romance. By the way, anyone who hasn't seen the video for "Welcome to the Black Parade" by MCR is really missing out. It is the most amazing video I have ever seen. Seriously. Watch it. YouTube it right now. You won't be dissappointed. :D
Anyway, my iPod picks for this week are:
"Peaches" by The Presidents of the United States of America
"Time After Time" by Quietdrive (amazing cover!)
"Orange Sky" by Alexi Murdoch (heard it on Prison Break and bought it straightaway)
"Hang Me Up to Dry" by the Cold War Kids
and the MCR pick of the week:
"Under Pressure" with The Used (Best cover I've heard so far)
Anyway, this blog has been FOREVER long and probably boring, but hey, it's my first time.
Rock On!
Yeah, we are blog buddies now!
Holy crap, I'm in love with your purse! <3
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