Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Let's hope the next 18 months go by as fast as the last did!
My MTC address is:
Sister Kristen Diane Smtih
Chile Santiago West Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604
And for the mission:
Sister Kristen Diane Smith
Chile Santiago West Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0510
(This is the pouch service. Only postcards and letters that are single sheet, folded into three panels, and taped at the top only, no envelopes.)
and packages:
Sister Kristen Diane Smith
Chile Santiago West Mission
Pedro de Valdivia 1423
29 Santiago 29
"It's quite all right
and goodbye for now
just look up to the stars
and believe who you are
cuz it's quite all right
and so long, goodbye."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Then and Now
After my sister-in-law ran a marathon in April, I decided that I wanted to run one after I get back from my mission. However, I am hugely fat. So my sister, Tara, has taken me under her wing and been my personal trainer since school got out at the end of April. We go to the gym together once a week and I try to go at least 3 or more times a week on top of that. I weigh in every Monday and this week, I am very proud to say, I have lost a grand total of 21 pounds! That's a large cat! So here is a picture of me in December:
In April:
Angela's New House
Friday, July 11, 2008
Where in the world did I get called?!?!?!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I am such a goober!!
#1. Happy Birthday Angela and Gage!!!
I know it's been like a month, but I just wanted to wish you both a happy birthday!

#2. My boy won! I heart my American Idol. Chelsea, I am so taking you up on the offer to go to your HS reunion.
#3. I got a fish!!! His name is Charles. I have a story about why I decided to get a fish, but it is too long of a story for the time being.
And just as a side note, I turned in my mission papers on Sunday and could have my call as early as next Wednesday! Pray for Jersey!!!
I love you all and I will promise to post more often!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
TAG! I'm it!
Anyhew, Cowgirl tagged me, so here are six weird things about me and the five people I want to find six weird things about:
1. I can't tell my right from my left. Honestly. Unless I am driving. It really takes me a couple minutes to try and figure it out and then there is still a 50% chance that I am wrong.
2. I wish life were a musical. You know how sometimes you stop and think to yourself, "It would be perfect if this song was playing right now?" I feel like that all the time.
3. I have my outfit picked out for the marathon I want to run in three years. My sister-in-law ran the SLC marathon this weekend, and now I kind of really want to run one as well. I want to wear a black tank top that says "I do it the Gerard Way" and fluorescent green shorts.
4. I really want to dye my hair like this (not the cut, just the dye job. I love my long hair) :

Black with orange-ish/blonde on top. I think it would be way cute. And another tribute to my fave lead singer. Ha!
5. I want to serve my mission in New Jersey. It's been my lifelong goal to teach Jon Bon Jovi. (and now Gerard Way!)
6. I have a Britney Spears song on my iPod! AGGGHHH! Don't worry. It's a Christmas song off a multi-artist CD. It's actually pretty good.
Well, that's weirdo me. I therefore tag: Angela, Kimm, Lisa, Chelsea, & Natalie.
Whew! Well, I should really get back to studying. Wish me luck with finals and hope that I see emo kid again! I was gonna give him my number last week, but I never saw him. If I don't see him this week, I may never see him again! Aggh! I'm in love with a boy and I don't even know his name! Haha!