Thursday, January 31, 2008
One More Reason Why I Love Gerard!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
President Hinckley
Thursday, January 17, 2008

The concert was fun even with the horrible Utah fans who have to prove that they are the most obnoxious people in the world. We were like twenty feet from the stage and could barely move through most of the concert because people kept shoving. Meg even lost her shoes. Twice. But she found them. It's kind of funny because when I went to the MCR concert in Seattle, everyone was totally chill and cool and behaved themselves even though it was a concert where you could totally go out of control. However, this concert, which had much tamer music, was completely insane. I've never felt so close to so many people. :) I was pushed, prodded, groped and violated . However, I also inadvertently did a lot of those things to other people as well. Sorry guys! We're all in this together, although it did add to my list of Utahns Are Horrible ...
So along with the amazing concert are the iPod picks for this week which will contain a majority of OneRepublic:
"Come Home" by OneRepublic - They introduced this song as a tribute they had written to one of their friends who is a marine in Iraq. I actually had this as a ringtone for one of my friends and I always get excited when it goes off.
"Apologize" by OneRepublic - This is their first single. Check out the video on YouTube. The lead singer is friggin hot in it (p.s. make sure it is the official video w/ Timbaland and not that fake video with the creepy girl.)
"Stop and Stare" by OneRepublic - I just love this song.
"All We Are" by OneRepublic - Just a great song.
And the MCR pick of the week/month depending on how often I post is:
"My Way Home is through You" I absolutely LOVE this song. It played on my iPod on the drive home from work today and I just had to crank that volume up. Love the song. Love the band. Am naming my first son Gerard. Sorry, I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with that glorious band and its gorgeous lead singer. ;)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Look at me go!
So much has happened during the month since my last post. I thought that when school got out I would have more time to do stuff, but working 50 hours a week put a sufficient stop to that. And school starts again in two days. Where does the time go?
I have some exciting news with which I am going to toot my own horn: Even with working two jobs, I managed to scrape out a 4.0 this semester!! This hasn't happened with me working just one job. Apparently insane amounts of stress are a key ingredient to academic success.
Christmas was enjoyable. Santa brought me an awesome toy:
It is an Old Fashioned Movie Time Popcorn Machine! I popped some delicious kernels and watched Harry Potter on Christmas Day.
Here are some pics of my cute puppy with one of the new squeaky toys I gave her for Christmas (and yes, the pictures are staged).

Whew! That takes care of end of semester and Christmas. For New Year's, Anne and I went and saw I am Legend. It was a good flick, but it was a little creepy and probably not the best film for someone as jumpy as I am (or someone who is still scared of the dark, as I also am). But I thought it was a good plot nonetheless. Now I just need a cute boy to go see P.S. I Love You with and then I might get my nerves back.
Oh! I almost forgot the Allyse's Christmas Party! Shaundawg won a Smashbox Makeup kit, which is now mine and I won $200! Here is a pic of Meg (my date), Tyson, and Me.
It was a lot of fun (even if I did spill salad dressing all over my new shirt!). But my hair looks great, even though you can't see my emo streak in this pic.
So I am kind of weird cuz I like songs that make me cry. I just got the album Dreaming Out Loud by OneRepublic on iTunes this week, and there is this song that I really like called "Come Home." It's pretty much amazing, even though it is a tearjerker. *sniff*sniff* J/K. Check it out. It's the iPod pick for the week from the person who has the absolute best musical taste ever. ;)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! MAY 2008 BE THE YEAR OF DREAMS!! (wow that was corny)